Monday, September 15, 2014

Mon's entry in Jan's "Three Words"

Jan's "Three Words" journal was a bit of a challenge for me in the beginning.
No three words I could think of resonated with me so off to google I went and found:

I Become Myself

This instantly rang true to me as I have been feeling like I am really becoming myself lately, knowing more who I am and what I like and kind of "settling" into myself like into a comfy armchair.

Of course becoming oneself is not an overnight thing, there are many steps to get there and I don't know if one ever gets there until the very end or whether there are different stages of becoming oneself.
I did a play on words and tried to make as many different three word phrases out of the original one as a path to becoming oneself.

I used Neocolour II and Inktense pencils.

I hope Jan will like it. xoxo


  1. Oh Mon - another stunning entry and I just love your playing with the words. Its also nice to see we are all being challenged with the themes.

  2. Oh wow oh wow Monika...this is just wonderful!!!!!

  3. Of course I love it! How inspiring!


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